You Already Know How to Improve

You Know It Already

I expect that most people come to Plugged In Golf because they think that I know things they don’t.  In this lesson, I’m going to show that you already know much more than you realize.

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This Lesson Is For You If:

You want to improve at golf

You’re already good at something

What Good Advice Do You Have?

Think of something you’re good at.  It could be another sport or game, a musical instrument, an academic endeavor.  It truly doesn’t matter what it is, as long as you’re good at it.

Now, think of what you would tell someone who wanted to be good at that thing.

You’d probably tell them to practice regularly.

You would tell them that there are no quick fixes or shortcuts.

You might discuss knowing the fundamentals, not running before you walk.

Perhaps you would point them to an expert for specific technical advice.

Depending on the pursuit, you might suggest getting good equipment but warn them that gear can’t replace skills and practice.  You’d advise them against being seduced by gimmicks.

And you would probably tell them to be patient because getting good at anything takes time.

Follow Your Own Good Advice

Do any of those concepts seem applicable to golf?  Of course they do!  They all apply!  No matter what we’re trying to get good at, we need patience, a good work ethic, and, probably, some help from an expert.

When other people are trying to learn something, it’s easy to see their mistakes, as I discussed HERE.  The trick to being an expert learner is taking those lessons for yourself.  If you can think about golf the same way you think about the things you’re an expert in, not only will you improve faster, you’ll save yourself loads of headaches.

What has another endeavor taught you about golf?

Share your lessons in the comments section!

Matt Saternus
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  1. Norm Katzman

    That is great advice Matt! One thing to add is that you have to break down your golf game into parts:putting,driving,short game, fairway woods and iron play and mental game. Then you have to grade each piece and make a plan to improve. You have to know where you are and then you can set goals to improve each part by practice, lessons,mental game books or tapes,etc. You need to develop a process of working on getting more proficient at each part of the game. Then you refine your process by playing. Most importantly you need to enjoy the process!

    • Jon Compton

      Jeesh Norm, all due respect, but you make it sound like so much work..It doesn’t have to be. Evaluating, grading, synthesizing, analyzing. Whew, Let the fun come first, then let one’s personal desire shape the rest. I get that
      “getting better” seems to demand practice and more practice. But is the score more important, or the experience? Anyone who played with his/her father as a kid will recall the time spent with their dad, but I doubt they’ll remember their scores.
      I recently had the good fortune to play at Bandon Dunes for 3 days. I prepped by walking a lot. No carts allowed. I didn’t practice my shots or putting b/c I was in the middle of a house move to FLA. I shot in the low 90’s and had the time of my life because I was with my brother and 2 close friends. And that with a thumb injury on my right hand. If working diligently works for you, you be you. But I’d rather enjoy the beauty of links golf and the companionship of friends over a low score any day. Just sayin’

  2. Jerry Payne

    I follow your reasoning. I have often thought of this when people have personal problems and are seeking advice. I want to say “what would you say to me – if I came to you with this situation…?” Now, it does depend on the problem… but, most of us know what we should be attempting to do.

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