Shot Scope V3 Review

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The Shot Scope V3 GPS and Shot Tracker is a massive upgrade from V2.  Slimmer watch with color screen, longer battery life, and pre-loaded courses.  Effort free shot tracking.  Superb data displays.

Save 15% on all Shot Scope products with code PLUGGEDIN HERE

Check out the new Shot Scope X5 HERE


One of my favorite things about reviewing products is seeing how industry leaders improve their offerings.  Every time that TRUE Linkswear releases a shoe, I think it’s the best yet and can’t be beaten…then they make a better one.  Shot Scope is in the same category.  Their V2 system [review HERE] was already the best shot tracker in golf, but with V3 they’ve raised the bar in nearly every conceivable way.

Want to shot track without the watch?  Check out the Shot Scope H4 HERE

Set Up & Ease of Use

Shot Scope continues to lead the way in making shot tracking easy and accessible.  After charging the watch, it takes less than a minute to pair it with your app.  Answer a couple questions – RH or LH, Yards or Meters – and you’re good to go.

Shot Scope V3 comes with 16 club tags which are labeled, so you don’t have to pair them with your phone.  Screw each one into the butt of the grip and you’re ready to go.  Each tag weighs barely 1 gram so it won’t alter your club’s swing weight.

Check out the new Shot Scope V5 HERE

35,000 courses are pre-loaded onto the V3 watch, so when you get to the course, simply turn on the watch, choose your mode, and start playing.  The three modes are GPS, GPS + Track, and PRO Mode.  GPS provides yardages without collecting data.  PRO Mode collects your shot data without giving you yardages.  GPS + Track does both.

Shot Scope collects the data on each shot automatically, so you don’t need to do anything while you’re playing.  You do have the option of using the PinCollect feature to mark the exact location of the hole, creating more precise short game data.

What’s New

There have been some very substantial upgrades to Shot Scope V3.  The highlights are:

35,000 pre-loaded courses.  This means you don’t need to load each course onto your watch before the round.

-Dual GPS makes Shot Scope the most accurate GPS system in golf.

Battery life of 10+ hours compared to 6 hours on V2.  Also the battery charges faster than V2: a full charge takes only 90 minutes.

-Daylight readable color screen

-Slimmer watch

-Everyday watch mode


Using Shot Scope V3 is pleasure.  The watch is light and slim, and the display is excellent.  Its user interface is totally intuitive.  Also, the enhanced battery life and faster recharge time makes it more practical to use on a regular basis.

The GPS function has taken a major leap forward due to the color screen and the dual GPS.  By using two GPS bands, Shot Scope claims to be accurate to 30 cm, and that accuracy is obvious when you look at your shot tracking.  Shot Scope V3 doesn’t have the problems other trackers do such as a shot from the bunker being shown as a shot from the fairway, or vice versa.  Also, Shot Scope V3 gives you yardages to the front and to carry each hazard.  This seems like an obvious inclusion, but many GPS systems fail to provide both.  Finally, Shot Scope continues to offer Dynamic Yardages, so that distances to the green and hazards are accurate regardless of the angle you’re approaching from.

Shot Scope offers the most statistics, and they continue to add more.  From the app, you can see your stats in Tee Shots, Approaches, Short Game, and Putting, with each broken down by club, if you choose.  On desktop, you can get even more granular with your analysis.  To this, Shot Scope is adding Strokes Gained statistics later this year.  For those that want a game-ified experience, Shot Scope also offers badges that you can earn for on-course achievements and leader boards where you can compare your game to others.

One behind-the-scenes point worth making is that Shot Scope maps every course themselves, and they own their own course maps.  This means that their maps are very accurate and can be updated quickly and easily.  If your home course does a renovation or swaps nines, an email to Shot Scope will yield an update in the app in very short order.

Finally, it needs to be reiterated that the shot tracking experience is seamless.  Turn the watch on, pick your course, and play golf.  There’s no tagging, tapping, or anything else, and the data that Shot Scope V3 produces is the most accurate of any shot tracker I’ve used.  The need to edit your data post round is quite rare.


Shot Scope V3 is an awesome system, so I’m really nit picking here to come up with some negatives.  One addition I’d love to see is a full bird’s eye view of the hole on the GPS.  I’d also like more of the granular stats viewable on the app, but I recognize there are limits to usability on a small touchscreen.

Finally, I know some people don’t want to wear a watch when they golf, and that is required with Shot Scope.  But even that, compared to the requirements of other shot tracking systems, is a relative strength.


Shot Scope V3 retails for $220 with a special launch price of $180 until July 31.  This is a fair price just for the high quality GPS watch, and with the shot tracking capabilities, it’s a steal.  Add to that the fact that there are no annual fees and you have the best value in shot tracking.

Save 15% on all Shot Scope products with code PLUGGEDIN HERE


For me, there is no real competition in the shot tracking category.  With the introduction of Shot Scope V3, the company has improved nearly everything about an already great product.  If you’re serious about your game, you need to be shot tracking, and you should be doing that with Shot Scope V3.

Buy Shot Scope V3 HERE

Matt Saternus
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  1. My only complaint is the lack of a computer app. This system is mobile only.

    • Matt Saternus


      That’s not accurate. There is a dashboard you can access through your desktop too.


  2. Launch price is $200 which is still a good deal for what you get.

  3. Richard B

    great review again!

    • Jerry Noble

      Is there a way to record or track practice shots? Example: see exactly how far I am hitting each club.

      • Matt Saternus


        You will get the data on how far each club goes from your on course data. Shot Scope doesn’t work on the range.


  4. Brandon B

    Matt, Arccos have added a watch feature to their product. How would you compare the two systems? I know Arccos have an annual subscription fee.

    • Matt Saternus


      Shot Scope is more accurate and has no fee. As I said in the review, I think Shot Scope is the best shot tracking system.


  5. And Matt, in comparison with the Arccos system? What do you think is the better system to use?

    • Matt Saternus

      I think ShotScope is superior to Arccos.



    • It happened that I go to few golf course which divided into “two” 18 holes courses. But shotscope v3 only detected one and it took me get to the 3rd hole in order to detect the current course , so I missed the first 2 records. Also by doing that I must keep on ending round and restarting round. Can you tell me how this work? The support team at shotscope is not answering to my question at all.

      • Matt Saternus

        Unfortunately I don’t have any unique insight into this. I play at a course with 3 mines and V3 handles it well. I’m sorry to hear that ShotScope has not been responsive.


  6. Does it need to be synced to your phone during the round?

  7. Do you have to keep phone in your pocket? I don’t mind wearing a watch while I play but really don’t care to have phone on me. Thanks for another great review.

    • Matt Saternus


      No, your phone is not required at all.


      • Actually, that’s not quite true. While your phone’s not required for the watch to track your shots, you won’t be able to view your score without connecting to the app. This is a major flaw in my opinion!

        • Jindřich Procházka

          Question was – do you need to have phone with you DURING play so answer was perfectly right.
          About the score you are right. It would be nice to see some numbers (shots/score/even stableford) when you finish your round.

  8. I have got a few rounds now on the wrist with V3. It’s so superior in every way to the V2. I’ve used a GPS watch for the last 7 years, so I’m used golfing with a watch (even big like the GolfBuddy WT3). Golf the V2 was huge, I regularly questioned if it actually effected my swing. The new size is worth the upgrade alone. But the GPS tracking performance has been unbelievably more accurate. I always had to make slight adjustments on the V2 on most greens, but it has been reduced almost completely so far on the V3.

    My only gripe, I wish they would have added an adjustable pin placement. On bigger greens with odd shapes, I still have to pull up the GPS on the up on the phone to get a closer approximate distance.

  9. Great review! I’m interested as it seems like a reasonable price for the features. I bought a new Garmin watch over a year ago and although the battery life is great, I think my older watch worked better in most respects.

  10. I have one and totally agree with the review.

  11. Bobby Burdette

    Can you keep your score on the watch? or see your score overall on the watch?

    • Matt Saternus

      The watch does not display your score during the round, but it does keep your total which you can see when you sync your data.



  12. Stephen T

    I asked them about the V2 last year – I’m right handed but can’t wear a watch on my left wrist and they said it wouldn’t work wearing it in my right wrist – Is this the same with the V3, do you know?

    • Matt Saternus


      That’s an interesting question. Unfortunately, I do not know the answer.



    • Jindřich Procházka

      I think it will. Have no idea what is difference between right and left handed golfer settings (probably none). Anyway using right handed golfer settings and wearing watch on right hand should work as it depends on distance between strap (not watch itself) and tag. It works as NFC so if you put watches further from the wrist to keep this distance <10cm it should be OK. I had similar fear as I use putter grip with left hand down and it works.

  13. Does it measure I’m meters as well as yards.

  14. Hi Matt,
    First of all thank you for all you do on the site, it’s my go to before any purchase. I just received my V3, haven’t play around of golf with it yet but the display seems pretty dim. Does it only brighten for a few seconds when you hit the face? Thanks

    • Matt Saternus

      Thanks, Mike.

      I have not had any problems with reading the V3 in bright sun or indoors. I haven’t noticed it going brighter/dimmer when touched, but I’ve always been using it outdoors or, when using it indoors, I’m constantly pushing buttons. I will inspect this further tomorrow and report back.


      Note: I checked this out today. Yes, the screen brightens when you push a button and then dims after a few seconds.

  15. Tim Stewart

    Hello all,

    The $180 price available via PIG matches the sale price email I received from Shot Scope yesterday. v3 is on sale now for $180 and the G3 model is on sale for $160. That is a savings of $40 for V3 and $20 for G3.

    Sale ends on July 30.

  16. What if you’re playing at a facility that has multiple courses? Is there a way to verify which course you’re playing or does it auto-select the course? What if it selects the wrong course

    • Matt Saternus

      You select the course before the round. If there are multiple courses nearby, it lists them all.


  17. Wade Weston

    Does Shot Scope v3 have the Caddie feature. My daughter loves being able to preview the course for her up coming tournament and have Arccos Caddie, or whatever they call it, give her recommendations based on AI.


  18. Hi Matt, Thank you for all the information you have given back to the comments,its very informative.
    My question is about the tags.
    i understand there are 16 going from Driver,3 wood 3hybrid. now ihave a 4 hybrid and not a 5 iron, do i use the 5 iron tag or a spare and how would the tag know it was a 4 hybrid.
    thanks for all your doing

    • Matt Saternus


      I would just tag my 4 and 5 hybrids are 4I and 5I. The system doesn’t really care what club each tag is attached to. I could put my PW tag on my driver if I wanted, the data would just look funny.



    • Jindřich Procházka

      You can add infinite number of clubs in “My bag” and specify exactly what they are. So you can add Cleveland RTX 3 60° wedge than drag and drop it in slot marked same as tag on wedge (in my case “Lw”) and that’s it. I have my 5W Taylormade M6 in 3W slot and in statistics it is shown as 5W. So I presume that if you add eg. Taylormade M4 hybrid with loft 19 and than put it in slot named 5i, it will be shown in stats as H19.

  19. Wade Weston

    Sorry, one more question. Will the v3 fit on my 17 years old daughter’s wrist? She is 5’4″. We just played today for the first time with Arccos and she had to put her phone in her back pocket because it doesn’t fit in her front skirt pocket. She hates in it the front pocket anyway. Arccos was terrible and didn’t register many shots. It was way more of a distraction that it was worth. Returning it tomorrow.

    • Matt Saternus


      The V3 watch band can get very small, so I’d be shocked if it didn’t fit her.



  20. Josh Richards

    Are the putting stats accurate? I have tried shot tracking systems where the system could not pick up if you made or missed the putt which made the experience cumbersome.

  21. ive been a Garmin Gps user for the past 6 years..I dont have any problems with them, but i am curious of the improved DUAL GPS. All i care about is the absolute accuracy of the gps function/yardages to front/middle/back. i am especially curious about the Dynamic Yardages. Is it a gimmick or does it actually work ??

    i dont care much of the shot tracking features.. but can you compare the accuracy between the v3 and other Garmin gps watches in terms of yardages only??

    • Matt Saternus


      Dynamic yardage is not a gimmick, it makes a real difference when you’re not following the centerline of the hole.
      I haven’t run the Garmin against the V3 head to head, but both are very accurate for approach yardages. If you’re not going to use the shot tracking, dynamic yardages is the reason to change more than the accuracy.


  22. can you add courses not included in a V3? and how

  23. Rick Unger

    Based on your review I purchased one. The shot trackings is terrible, and Shot Scope support acknowledged they have a big problem which they say will be fixed by a firmware update in a week or so. If not I will re returning it and going back to Arccos Caddie.

  24. Mark Williams

    Does the device recognise the difference between a practice swing and your actual shot? Can you edit the club used if it gets it wrong?

  25. Stephen Gengaro

    What are keys pros and cons versus Arrcos Caddie Link. This seems better but don’t love wearing a watch! I assume I could adapt.

    • Matt Saternus


      Even with Arccos Link, the value of Arccos to me is the Caddie feature which only works if you’re looking at your phone during the round. Shot Scope has more, and in my opinion better, stats. Plus, even with Link, Arccos users tend to report more need for post-round editing than Shot Scope users.


  26. Filipe Fernandes

    Hi Matt,

    The main thing that keeps me off these things is putting tags at the butt off my clubs.
    I know these are light but will the last?

    • Matt Saternus

      I’ve had sets that I used over two years without any sign of wear. They’re small, thick, hard plastic. I don’t see any reason why they’d break or wear out.


  27. It is the end of the year as I write this 12/7/20. Is Shot Scope adding Strokes gained?

    • Matt Saternus


      I believe Strokes Gained was rolled out a couple weeks ago. It’s the off-season in Chicago, so I haven’t had the chance to use it yet.


  28. It must add value to the internet, and part of that is to be both timely and interesting

  29. Interested in this, however now we are close to another January (I think) Golf industry show. Are you aware of any speculation regarding a “V4” or a more advanced competitor in the next couple of months?

    • Matt Saternus


      Everything I know from ShotScope is that they’re pouring their efforts into upgrading the dashboard, so I don’t think a V4 is on the horizon.



  30. Almost Great- I have been using the V3 for 1.5 years (mostly in the Phoenix area). The price, no annual subscription, size, rfid (no battery) tags and easy of shot detection are Fantastic. I have spent a lot of time communicating with customer support which has been truly supportive and patient, even if not successfully resolving my few issues.
    My biggest issue is that some course mappings have errors- some significant, some small. For accurate stats, accurate mapping is essential. Large errors have included greens that are 50 yards off and despite hours of communication, could never be resolved. That is a major problem if you are relying on the V3 for your club selections (I use my laser most of the time). My biggest issue is with the course mapping designations. Whether due to GPS error, course revisions, or variations in course maintenance, the shot locations can incorrectly identify your lie as off (or on) the green, in the rough, or in a bunker and the app/dashboard does not allow you to override (edit) the lie designation (you can edit the club used and/the ball location). You are faced with either moving the recorded shot location to a place that actually matches the lie you had (for example when mapping says your ball was off the green, but the ball was actually on the putting surface), which results in proximity errors (distance and/or direction is incorrect) or just ignoring the lie designation error (which for the example means your putt is recorded as a chipping stat, not a putting stat). I have suggested to customer support a number of times to allow editing lie designations for user stat accuracy and perhaps as mapping feedback that can alert the company to the need for mapping corrections (though I don’t think Shot Scope actually handles course mapping- they may use a third party for that).


    When using the Manual option for putts do you identify the putts individually or just enter the total putts one time?

    • Matt Saternus


      You just put the total numbers of putt (one button push) while standing at the hole.



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