Comments on: Two Golf Truths Get plugged in... Thu, 04 Jan 2024 20:32:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Caley Thu, 04 Jan 2024 20:32:24 +0000 The further away from blades and steel shafts I have gotten over the years the worse my ball striking. But then there’s also the lack of playing as often. And then there’s getting older. No doubt it’s all connected but the only thing that has ever looked good to me at address is a blade or something bladeish. Since I no longer play 7000 yard courses I do believe I am going to get fit into a bladeish iron with a more standard loft. Which should be plenty fine for an old fart playing a tee or two up. Moral of the story you’ve got to like your clubs.

By: Steve Schultz Tue, 26 Dec 2023 13:43:12 +0000 Matt,
I’m a senior having played for about 65 years. I’ve been fortunate to carry a handicap of under 3 for the past 50 years- although it’s now from the senior tees. Your article states 2 truths we probably all knew in our hearts but didn’t want to admit. As for the “hickories” , I don’t go back that far but several times each year I do play with my ‘64 Wilson Staff fluid feel or my mid-80s MacGregor Jack Nicklaus Muirfield irons. Put one of those behind a ball and one wonders whether the head is big enough to hit the ball. What a glorious feeling when I hit it well and what a sting I get when I don’t. Blades absolutely make you hit the ball better because if you don’t your score will suffer.
Keep up the good work.

By: Matt Saternus Mon, 25 Dec 2023 14:03:26 +0000 In reply to David J Sell.


Thank you.
The contest winner has been contacted.



By: David J Sell Sun, 24 Dec 2023 16:36:32 +0000 Thanks for keeping it real for all of us Matt !
As great as the articles and information usually is that you share with us, I nearly always enjoy the comments afterwards almost as much. So often there are some insightful, some absurd, and many just plain old entertaining. We all often could benefit from embracing that middle ground area throughout all of our lives, there’s so much more common ground there that we often forget.
Love all that you and your team do, keep up the great work !
When are we going to hear about the double secret giveaway ?
I’m sure I’m not the only one dying to know.

By: Alex Sat, 23 Dec 2023 13:03:05 +0000 As I get older, I find myself trying to gain (or chase) distance. Sometimes through equipment (just bought a pair of Squairz shoes on open box returns, other times through the rabbit hole of YouTube swings. I haven’t done speed training yet, but that is likely the next step.

By: Gerry T Fri, 22 Dec 2023 06:05:49 +0000 Thanks for this on point article, Matt! Yes, the irons help, but you need to be properly fitted to maximizes your over all game improvement! Sadly, if you limit your fitting to only steel shafts or only graphite shafts, you’ll limit how much the club fitter can help you and you’ll also give your opponents, including yourself, the ultimate opponent you want to compete with and improve your game!

I think because graphite shafts have a proven history with me, so it’s now just a matter of determining which iron heads fit me best. Fortunately, we have GolfTec, so once I can get things in place, I will buy the package of lessons that will include a fitting session to set my game up for the best success! Thanks again, Matt, for a well -written and clearly organized article! We have so many opportunities to improve our game today! Why wouldn’t we want to maximize our results so that we can be the best player that we can be?

By: Willie T Fri, 22 Dec 2023 01:11:17 +0000 Good gear helps – but assuming responsibility for your game is paramount. I have decent clubs – some days they are like butter and then there are the days they act like they don’t know me and do their own thing….its never the club or the ball. Only when we (the golfers) commit to improving – taking lessons is the best jump start – by eating away at small changes that improve our rounds over time (not in 5 mins), do we begin to see why a pured iron, a smoothly rolled putt or a soaring drive keep us coming back.

By: GregL Thu, 21 Dec 2023 17:11:52 +0000 Hi Matt,
Great article! I got back in to the game a couple years ago after playing once a year for the previous 30 years. I bought a new set of clubs off the shelf to replace my 30 year old $100 box set so as not to have that excuse for my poor play. I’ve also had a few lessons to try and improve my consistency, but haven’t gotten any drills or specific things to work on. Anyway I’ve changed from a slicer to hooker since my reboot. And developed elbow pain immediately after getting my new irons 2 years ago. So I headed to a fitter a couple weeks ago with the idea of getting graphite shafted irons to hopefully reduce the elbow pain. Of course I secretly hoped there might be a magic bullet in the form of new clubs that would help me out. I found out I have a very in-out path, positive angle of attack, hit it way out on the toe, and deliver the club extremely toe-down (6 deg). Fitter said game-improvement club heads would probably further aggravate the hook (offset??). So he re-shafted and installed a slightly larger grip on my 7i so I could test that out for the elbow pain. But the numbers he gave me I think give me some concrete issues to work on with my next few lessons. Maybe if I can improve these fundamentals I can then reward myself with the shiny new things!

Thanks again for the great content you provide! Merry Christmas!

By: cksurfdude Thu, 21 Dec 2023 16:41:42 +0000 ]]> For me and where I’m at in my game currently, I prefer clubs that help me hit the ball better.

I get the appeal – for better players – of playing hickory or other vintage clubs. Maybe I’ll try that challenge in the future!

But for now I like my reasonably well fit to me GI clubs 👍

By: Gerry Casavant Thu, 21 Dec 2023 15:26:18 +0000 In reply to Mark Terry.

Excellent comment and insights Mark!!
