Comments on: Do Blades Make You a Better Ball Striker? Get plugged in... Sat, 24 Feb 2024 19:37:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Sat, 24 Feb 2024 19:37:49 +0000 This is a brilliant article. I’m a 15 and have recently bought some P7MC 23( I know they are not true blades but they certainly aren’t GI) I’ve had they 6 months and I love them. Yes the drop off massively on tow miss hits and are prone to more fats but my goal is to be a great ball striker and these clubs give me all the feed back I need to get to that goal. The fact the look so god damn pretty also helps keep up my enthusiasm for them to in my bag and practice a couple of times a week.

Great article and reaffirmed what I was thinking. So many try a knock players fir playing blades unless they are scratch but I think allot of this is envy or jealousy.

By: Dan Cloud Mon, 13 Nov 2023 03:07:45 +0000 In reply to Jordy Evans.

I’m 39 and just started getting into golf this year due to my 7 year old taking lessons and wanting to understand and support his interest. I took 20 hours of lessons to make sure golf was something I would stick with before investing in any clubs. I found a set of Taylormade Rac MB’s on Precision 6.0 Rifled flighted shafts 4-pw with brand new Golf Pride grips for $150 at an Edwin Watts and pulled the trigger. The first lesson with them, I thought I had made a mistake. I made the decision to stick with them and learn what the different hand numbing vibrations meant. Eight months, thousands of cuss words and range balls later, I couldn’t imagine switching to GI irons and getting the same level of satisfaction from them.

By: Graham Hooper Sun, 05 Nov 2023 01:35:15 +0000 We all play the game for different reasons some to play in competition, some to lower their handicap, others to improve technique, some to do all three of the above but at the end of the day 99.999 per cent recurring are never going to make a living at it so be selfish and enjoy and do your own thing, the game is yours to enjoy.

By: Mike Sun, 27 Aug 2023 23:20:52 +0000 Thank you for this.

Frankly, I think it’s a little presumptuous of people to say you can’t and shouldn’t play blades if you’re not scratch or currently aren’t an elite ball striker. I feel one must simply be aware of what they’re getting into and what blades will require practice wise. Then they must be willing to commit.

To suggest one cannot learn? I have always found that to be a bit conceited. Most of us aren’t playing for money. The pursuit of the highest level of skill is meaningful to some of us.

Maybe we don’t get there. Maybe we do. Yet, if one commits, maybe they’ll get close enough to be happy.

Thanks again.

By: Ben Mon, 29 May 2023 14:45:41 +0000 In reply to Jonathan.

This is a very good article. I have played blades most of my life and learned the game with them. I find that i get sloppy with my ball striking when i play perimeter weighted irons over time. Im not anti gi irons at all, they just don’t work as well for me. My distance control with blades is far better somehow. It also should be mentioned that many blades are pretty forgiving on the heel side. The toe is dead though.

By: Fred Thu, 25 May 2023 00:48:58 +0000 Great article! There is also the performance aspects. Blades have more mass in the hitting area, and that translates to a truer more consistent flight and far superior distance control.

By: Willie T Fri, 05 May 2023 03:09:31 +0000 Matt,
Love this article. I have an almost full set of MacGregor Mike Souchak blades from the ‘60’s. I love taking them out from time to time. They are the first clubs I played and still inspire more precise shot making. Think it’s time for another round with the old blades.

By: Mark Caley Thu, 04 May 2023 21:34:43 +0000 Often overlooked is how the club looks in your hand when you sole the club. The club has to look good to you for YOU to get max performance out of it. Those of us that grew up with blades, steel, and balata will prefer the blade look until they throw us in the ground and shovel the dirt. But the beauty of modern irons is that you can have your cake and eat it too because a blade in 2023 is indeed a game improvement club compared to 1975, especially when modern fitting techniques are employed. And many of the “players” distance irons are plenty close enough in looks to a traditional blade but with tons of forgiveness to make them an excellent choice for those who prefer a blade look. All of this is to say if you have reasonable skills as a golfer don’t be afraid to give the blade or players distance irons a thorough look. There’s every chance you might just hit them that much better than your game improvement set.

By: Brian Thu, 04 May 2023 16:48:28 +0000 “an iron the size of a Honda” hahaha great line!

By: Matt Saternus Thu, 04 May 2023 13:49:14 +0000 In reply to Jim.


You won’t regret it, those irons are awesome!

