Reader Reviews – Cleveland Frontline Putters

Reader Review #1

Name: Terry Marshall

Handicap: 3

Current Putter: Odyssey EXO Indianapolis Slant Neck

Cleveland Frontline Model Tested: ISO Slant Neck

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter feel?  The ISO slant neck has a high end premium look and feel to it. Loved the size and feel of the grip.  The weight of the head and the balance of the putter itself were, in my view, perfect!  It seemed very easy to initiate and maintain a very consistent stroke throughout the stroke itself.  The putter set square to the line without having to manipulate it, easy to square up to the intended line. Loved the all black putter!

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on short putts?  Because the putter is so well balanced and easy to square up to the intended line, putts within 5 feet are almost automatic.  If outside factors are good, ie, (greens, decent putting stroke), it’s hard to miss!

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on mid-range putts?  Putter performed well on putts 5 to 15 feet.  Even if you happen to miss the sweet spot, the weights on the heel and toe help to maintain a square face at impact. Front to back dispersion seems to be the same as it would be if the putt was hit perfectly.  Very forgiving both in direction and distance.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on long putts?  Had no problem at all with longer putts.  I hit somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 putts in the 30 to 40 foot range.  Because of the putter being so well balanced, it was easy to judge distance and lag most putts within the “gimme” range. Isn’t that what we all are looking for when putting from that distance? Even made a few!

Additional Notes:  Initially, I found the putter to be a little firmer off the face than my gamer.  This can be attributed to the difference in inserts used by each putter.  However, after a few putts, I easy adjusted to the firmer feel.  The ball rolled great off the putter. I did not experience and skid or hopping when striking the ball.

Will you be making the Cleveland Frontline your gamer?  This putter is now going to be my gamer!  As hard as I tried, I really couldn’t find anything I didn’t like about this putter. Nice going Cleveland! Great Job!

Reader Review #2

Name: Danny Bonin

Handicap: 0

Current Putter: Scotty Cameron California Coronado

Cleveland Frontline Model Tested: Frontline Elevado

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter feel?  Felt much softer and solid than I expected. The front head weight was a bit strange feeling, the putter felt light to me, might have been the large grip. I’m more used to a smaller pistol grip. Had some issue with alignment at first with the larger white line. I also didn’t like the indents in the back wings, seems like they will fill with water in the rain.

Negative stuff over…it’s an extremely solid putter. I didn’t expect it as the putter initially appeared cheap with the rough cast look. Looks are deceiving. Loved the murdered theme of shaft/head/grip. Very solid feel and look. Playing for a long time with Scottys there’s a certain feel, especially with a softer ball. I’m playing a firmer Bridgestone right now and the feel was really nice and soft.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on short putts?  I had to trust the feel at first. The light head was hard to release, so at first I missed everything right. Once I got used to the counter-balance and light feel, it was more solid. If you already play a counter balanced putter you’d adjust right to this.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on mid-range putts?  The solid feel made it easy to get green speeds down. Again, because of the light feel I did have some issues on left to right putts, just not wanting to release it. Very accurate. I know the weight and face mill are designed for distance control and line, I can’t say that I noticed any difference, but it was solid.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on long putts?  These were a little better for me. No problem in releasing toe, getting used to speed was easy. Little trouble lining up the putter due to the large white line on top, I had a tendency to aim this right. Again, very solid and consistent feel. No issues with control.

Additional Notes:  I’m going to fill in the top white line with black, it’s a little wide for my eyes, I actually prefer a small line or dot. I’m also going to put on a smaller grip, something I’m more accustomed to, might get more of the head feel in my hands. I’ll see how these changes go.

Will you be making the Cleveland Frontline your gamer?  I’m going to seriously consider it after some time on the practice green and slight alternations. I would recommend others to try it out for themselves.

Reader Review #3

Name: Rob Franks

Handicap: 1.5

Current Putter: Yes Sally 12 with Evnroll Gravity Grip

Cleveland Frontline Model Tested: Elevado Single Bend

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter feel?  Putter feels SOFT! Center strikes are very very soft using a Callaway Chrome Soft. Strikes off the toe and heel are soft/firm IMO. Noticeable difference from center strikes. I really enjoyed the feel of the putter as I much prefer a soft feel over firm

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on short putts?  I struggled a little with shorter putts compared to others. My gamer putter is massive and I think I just had a tougher time lining up the Cleveland putter vs my Yes.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on mid-range and long putts?  Mid range putts found the hole probably more often than my gamer when comparing on the putting green. Somehow/Someway, I think the weights in the front of the putter make it much easier to swing. My stroke felt more free flowing and the release of the putter head was easier. I think this helped me “go at” mid and long range putts with more confidence. Really enjoyed this putter from mid and long range. Much more than short range.

Additional Notes:  I’ve never used the 2135 alignment before but I have to say I feel it works! I set up over the ball like normal and purposely moved my eyes inside and outside the ball and unlike most other putters, the center line still looked like it was in the middle of the ball. I think this tech is a big win for guys who choose to set up with their eyes inside the ball. Black finish and black shaft look great. Quality is high and it seems like the finish will hold up for a good while.

Will you be making the Cleveland Frontline your gamer?  For now, no, the Frontline will not take the place of my gamer. I will definitely continue to test though because I love the idea of making more mid range putts. That could really help my game. Hopefully I can figure out the short range issues I was having.

Reader Review #4

Name: Nick B.

Handicap: 18.7

Current Putter: PING Karsten Anser

Cleveland Frontline Model Tested: Elevado

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter feel?  Well balanced, heavier in the grip than I thought it would be and had a smooth feeling on the takeaway, which is where I’ve struggled with my current blade putter.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on short putts?  Consistent, I felt more confidence with the Frontline because even mishits had a chance.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on mid-range putts?  Distance control was more noticeable here for me versus the directional forgiveness. I didn’t always take the right lines given this was my first outing with a mallet (or more likely that I’m not a great golfer), but even on mishits the distance was within a foot or so of a centered putt, and I probably at least doubled the amount of midrange putts I made in a round.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on long putts?  This is the area I felt the Frontline really shined. While I didn’t have a ton of long putts over the course of the round and a half I played, I significantly reduced three putts. I occasionally struggle with distance control on long putts because I allow too much movement as I try to putt the ball further, but the distance control on mishits really minimized this issue.

Additional Notes:  I’ve had my Anser for 7 years and I’ve always been a pretty decent putter but would have days I’m on and days I’m off. The Cleveland Frontline seemed, in a small sample size, to reduce the “off” days. Some of this is likely due to the switch to a mallet, but distance does seem to be more consistent on mishits, and critically I step up to short puts within 5-6 feet not worried about torqueing the putter on the takeaway and then missing my line. Short mishits often go in, medium mishits either go in or are within the 3 foot comfort zone, and long misses are lagged to a realistic range. I did notice on the few short putts I missed  (4-7 feet) where I was expecting to make, I yanked the ball a bit and it went just left of the hole. My miss with my blade from that range was often a push right – I’m not sure what that means other than I need to practice more with the Frontline. The full round I played with the Frontline was ok but I did struggle with ball striking a bit and had two 8s due to some OB issues. I still shot a 94, when I was expecting high 90s or over 100 based on how my ball striking felt. Reducing my three putts really dropped my score in an otherwise mediocre round and I’m hopeful with more practice I can take bad putting days out of the equation and start breaking 90 with some frequency.

Will you be making the Cleveland Frontline your gamer?  Yes. Results have been promising in a short trial period with the Cleveland Frontline, and I feel confident performance will only improve as I become more comfortable with the putter.

Reader Review #5

Name: Richard Mindak

Handicap: 22.6

Current Putter: Odyssey O-Works Versa 2-Ball

Cleveland Frontline Model Tested: Frontline Elevado

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter feel?  The putter felt heavy at first and the grip was very comfortable.  The swing weight, once I got used to it, was very good.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on short putts?  The swing was very comfortable, aiming line was good and I felt confident with the swing and follow-thru.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on mid-range putts?  Good alignment and swing was comfortable.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on long putts?  After practicing at a longer distance the putter felt good and the sound off the face was nice.  The insert and end weights kept the ball rolling smoothly and straight.

Additional Notes:  I like this putter as much as my two-ball even though the design is very different.  I like the ability to pick up the ball because of the design.  I also like the angle of the shaft which allows me to keep my hands closer to my body.

Will you be making the Cleveland Frontline your gamer?  I plan to give my current putter a time out and will start to use the “Elevado” when I play next week.

Reader Review #6

Name: David Martindale

Handicap: 8.3

Current Putter: 2 ball milled series

Cleveland Frontline Model Tested: Elevado

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter feel?  On center hits, it felt buttery soft. On off center you could tell you missed it. All in all it had great feel.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on short putts?  Putts within 5 feet where very accurate. I really liked how wide the line is when lining up a putt, gave me confidence.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on mid-range putts?  This is where I struggled. As an amateur, i struggle to always hit the center which obviously has nothing to do with the putter. But normally I can keep them fairly close with my gamer. With the Cleveland I was going passed the hole more times than I’d like.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on long putts?  So, so on long putts. I came up short here and there, but most of the time I could lag them in nice and tight and hole a few.

Additional Notes:  This is one of the best looking putters in this style, It feels like a quality putter.

Will you be making the Cleveland Frontline your gamer?  Unfortunately, no. There’s something about it I couldn’t figure out. The sweet spot is either super tiny, or im just that bad of a putter. I couldn’t get over the inconsistency on mid range putts. Thanks for the opportunity guys.

Reader Review #7

Name: Craig Goodwin

Handicap: 11

Current Putter: Cleveland Huntington Beach #1

Cleveland Frontline Model Tested: Frontline 4.0

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter feel?  The forged aluminum “Speed Optimized Face” lives up to it’s billing. A nice firm, responsive feel across the face. Center it and you’ll hear a nice high pitch click. Hit the edges of the face and the pitch dulls to more of a lower pitched click. There is good feedback through the hands letting you know where the ball was struck across the face.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on short putts?  Short putts of 3-6 ft. were almost automatic. The stealth black putter head, contrasted with the single white alignment line made lining up the putt a breeze. You could really shorten your stroke to keep it on line and let the momentum of putter do it’s job.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on mid-range putts?  Mid-range putts is where I started to notice the difference between the Frontline and my older Huntington Beach. I found my speed control and line was better. My miss’s were within tap in range most of the time and all I could think was the milling on the face insert and tungsten weights being forward really were making a difference compared to my gamer. Having to give the ball a stronger stroke,  I wasn’t noticing the ball skidding and going off line. What impressed me was the solid end over end roll towards the hole and the ball keeping it’s intended line.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on long putts?  Ah the longer putts. Distance control and alignment have been my nemesis most of my golfing years. I would line up over a putt with dread and just hope I kept it within reasonable second putt distance. Personally I feel this is where the Frontline putter shined for me. With the longer stroke needed to get the putt to the hole I was finding the speed was consistent across the face. Very little loss of speed and face twisting on less than centered strikes. I was consistently ending up with short second putts due to speed and direction being much better than I have been used to.

Additional Notes:  At first glance I was immediately aware of the simple stealth black color and only distinguishable mark being the white sight line. The color I loved, the squarish sharp edges not so much.  As I began to work with the putter I saw the benefits of the more squarish look and actually started to appreciate and like it. With the lack of distracting markings and the squarer edges, I found the putter very easy to line up to the target line. Performance and feel……..very eye opening and easy to get used to. Kudos to Cleveland for thinking outside the box with their technology and delivering a very good putter. At this young stage of our relationship I’m as excited about a new club in the bag as I’ve ever been.

Will you be making the Cleveland Frontline your gamer?  This putter is definitely staying in the bag and it’s going to be difficult for something else to take it’s place.

Reader Review #8

Name: Carlton Durham

Handicap: 16.1

Current Putter: Odyssey O-Works 7

Cleveland Frontline Model Tested: ISO Single Bend

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter feel?  Depending on type of ball I was playing dictated the feel of the club.  I was playing a mixture of Callaway Chrome Soft, Taylormade TP5, Snell Black & Red and Vice Pro.  Initially with the Vice ball seemed to be extremely “clicky” coming off the putter face.  Not sure if I liked it, but was totally different than what I have been used to.  When I changed balls, it sounded better and feel off the club was nice.  It put the ball where I wanted which I say had something to do with the weighting they changed.  Having a more straight path putting stroke, I’m somewhat consistent with my stroke.  Overall, it definitely helped me stay more consistent around the hole.  A couple of the courses I played aerated the greens the last week or so, but outside of the sand dunes on some spots, I thought it performed well.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on short putts?  I was clearly more consistent on short putts with the Frontline than I have been in the past.  Played with several different groups I regularly play with and “gimmes” were conceded more and more only because I was knocking down anything close.  I tend to push a few with my other putters, but this seemed to correct that issue.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on mid-range putts?  Mid-range putts were the only place I didn’t see that much of a overwhelming change.  It did help me with distance control, but making them did not change much.  I’ve always loved the softer faced putters for feel, but tend to leave things short when I do miss.  The Frontline helped those mid-range putts roll just a tad bit further, which made my short ones that much easier as I was knocking everything close in.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on long putts?  Due to getting the putter only 10 days ago hampered my overall evaluation of the long lag putts.  With the courses I played having aerated the greens, there was only one course of the 5 I played that I was able to work on the long ones.  Between the practice greens and the course, I thought it performed well but not enough test time to truly say one way or the other.

Additional Notes:  The putter grip was on point.  I’ve already moved over to the slightly bigger grips, but I liked the feel and feedback.  The all black look (grip, shaft, putter head) is a win-win for me.  Style and looks gets my vote!!

Will you be making the Cleveland Frontline your gamer?  I’ll say this, I no doubt want to keep playing this for a bit.  Not saying it’s going to be a gamer yet, but it’s clearly in the rotation.  Over the next two weeks as those greens start filling in and rolled, I am truly going to enjoy trying to see how this putter can hang.  I give a lot of credit to Cleveland for being so underrated in the putter field, and working hard to prove people wrong.  I’m not a putter snob, but just never really gave them a chance to be put in my bag.  The Frontline ISO has changed that.

Reader Review #9

Name: Dennis John

Handicap: 17.2

Current Putter: Odyssey O-Works R-Line CS

Cleveland Frontline Model Tested: Cero Single Bend

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter feel?  I love the Lamkin grip. My old putter had a Super Stroke mid-slim, and the fat pistol shape of the Lamkin grip feels amazing. The putter is soft enough, with a very nice click on contact. It’s much more firm than the insert in my Odyssey putter, and I like it.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on short putts?  It took a while to get used to the difference bet ween my old, center shafted putter, and the single bend, but once I did, the putter performed very well on short putts.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on mid-range putts?  Mid-range putts are where this putter really shines. 6-15 foot putts are very easy to put a few inches away from, if not in, the hole. The distance control was excellent on mid range putts. as well as direction control. I also thought the alignment aids we very good, and appreciate the high contrast of the white on black lines.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on long putts?  I didn’t really see a big improvement on long range putts, but that’s probably more about my skill level. The distance control seemed fine, and directional control seemed fine as well.

Additional Notes:  My one small nitpick with this putter is that the matte finish seemed to show a lot of marks. I had some grass schmaltz on the top side, and it was pretty distracting. I licked my finger and wiped it off, and there was a darker black spot from the moisture that was visible for almost an hour. Again, pretty distracting.

Will you be making the Cleveland Frontline your gamer?  I’ve played 4 rounds, and am really enjoying the putter. It will be staying in my bag for the foreseeable future.

Reader Review #10

Name: Phil Boyle

Handicap: 9.3

Current Putter: Odyssey White Hot RX

Cleveland Frontline Model Tested: Frontline 4.0 Plumbers Neck

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter feel? Head is heavier than current putter, nicely balanced and very nice roll off the face.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on short putts? Once I was able to adjust to controlling length, putter rolled very true towards hole.

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on mid-range putts? Excellent

How did the Cleveland Frontline putter perform on long putts? Excellent

Will you be making the Cleveland Frontline your gamer?  Most definitely.  Outperformed current putter in game situations.  Putter helped me control distance and direction of putts better than my Odyssey.  As with any change to equipment, there is an adjustment period.  I used the putter for three 18 hole rounds and I saw a marked improvement in my putting.

Matt Saternus
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  1. Josh Giesige

    Wow. You hit a home run w these reviewers. Great thorough info! Thx!

  2. I bought the Frontline Elevado recently and it is working very well for me. I was playing the Huntingdon Beach SOFT #11 which is also a very good putter, but the Frontline just felt right for me. You can’t go wrong with either putter. Cleveland is starting to earn a reputation with it’s putters like they have with their wedges IMHO.

  3. Alan Cousins

    I purchased the ISO Slant Neck a month ago and am so pleased with it. The biggest improvement for me is on putts within six feet – I have gone from ‘wobbly’ and unpredictable, to confident and likely to hole out. Much easier to line up accurately and to deliver on that line. The response off the putter face is a bit Heppler-like – firm and positive. I like the sound and feel. The grip is very high quality. I was playing Spider S, which is very good indeed, but this club edges the Spider out of my bag. Cleveland are producing some stand out products, which is great to see.

  4. Having reviews from various handicap levels and naming their current putters provided excellent information and comparisons.
    Definitely want to see more reviews patterned like this.

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